We restore, strengthen and create systems that guarantee social and humanitarian support to those who need it.
The Foundation "Your Support" supports more than 130 Ukrainian hospitals, providing them with medicines and equipment. The foundation also supports key medical institutions where children with congenital heart defects are rescued and provides targeted assistance to such children.
The charity Foundation "Your Support" supports children's homes, providing children with everything they need: furniture, hygiene products, household chemicals, bedding etc. 59 children's institutions are under the care of the foundation: orphanages, boarding schools, rehab centers, etc.
Within the project "Help Ukraine! Stop war!" our Foundation provides humanitarian aid to children and adults affected by Russian aggression. We render support in every region of Ukraine: in particular, we deliver food and medicines to the de-occupied cities and towns where the residents were left without necessities.
The Charitable Foundation "Your Support" together with the companies "Ukrtelecom", "Pro PM School", 7CI GROUP design and construction company, Volodymyr Borodyansky, Ilona Schneider, and Natalia Deren, united and opened Shelter in Lviv. Women, men, and families with children and animals can settle in the "Your Support" Shelter.
For over 9 years, the Foundation's team has been implementing projects to help children with congenital heart diseases, taking care of hundreds of hospitals and orphanages, as well as systematically providing humanitarian assistance since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine.
Founder and CEO of the Charitable Foundation "Your Support"
Before the full-scale war our activities were mainly aimed at helping children, and now they have significantly expanded. We do not stop our previous projects, meanwhile creating new ones to provide important assistance to the victims of the russian aggression. These are wounded and sick children who are hiding from shelling without the opportunity to undergo rehabilitation, etc. Everyone has felt the consequences of the war. So, our Foundation does its best to give help to everyone who needs it.
Executive Director
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Director of the Shelter "Your Support"
Керівник Сімейного центру ментального благополуччя "Твоя опора"
Менеджерка проектів
Operations specialist
Менеджерка проектів
Medicines procurement specialist
Менеджерка проектів
Social change analyst and strategist, author of CURLY management ™ methodology
Co-founder and Creative Director of Trembita PR agency
Development Director of the First Medical Association of Lviv, public figure, journalist
Marieta Sliusarenko
Director of the Nizhyn Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children of the Office of the Children's Commissioner of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration
We are sincerely grateful to the CF "Your Support" for financial support, for real sacrifice and charity. This is a team of caring people who are dedicated to their work and respond to every request. We know that our needs will be fully met in the shortest possible time.
In our difficult time, the Foundation gives children the most valuable thing — their care. This gives children hope that everything will be fine in their lives.
We are grateful to the team for their selfless work, support, responsiveness and dedication. The support from the CF "Your Support" is very important for our institution, because it helps to diversify the lives of our students, inspires them to believe in themselves and think big.
Yevheniia Koval
My son Bohdan is now 19, and he has been a child with disabilities from birth, having Opitz-Frias syndrome. We have known the Charity Foundation "Your Support" for more than 6 years. This is a compassionate and friendly team that has always helped us with the annual medical examination, provided the necessary medicines for Bohdan, as well as glasses, which are so necessary for our son.
Many times the Foundation's team was raising funds for Bohdan's rehabilitation in various rehabilitation centers. Without the Foundation’s support I would have been unable to pay large amounts of money for treatment. After each rehabilitation course it was easier for Bohdan to move and run. My son and I are really grateful to the team of the Charity Foundation "Your Support" for their assistance.
NOVUS chain of stores
Liudmyla Fylypets
Crédit Agricole
"Your Support" is a reliable charity partner for Crédit Agricole Bank. Together with the Foundation we implement both systemic multimillion projects and local ones all over Ukraine. Most of them are related to the purchase of modern and high-precision medical equipment abroad, which requires high professionalism and expertise of the Foundation's employees. Within the framework of the CSR program "We Care!" since 2016, we have implemented many good initiatives together, have helped hospitals, orphanages affected by COVID-19, and now we are focusing our efforts on supporting those affected by the war.
Since the beginning of 2022, we have implemented charitable initiatives amounting over UAH 14 million. We have purchased vital medical equipment for hospitals, as well as a multivan for the transportation of humanitarian aid, provided medicines and other essentials to those affected by the war. These charitable initiatives were highly appreciated by the Standard Rating independent agency and Crédit Agricole was recognized as a leader in social responsibility among banks.
The bank's CSR program "We Care!" has been repeatedly included in the rating of the 25 best CSR programs according to "Vlast Deneg" magazine. This is the result of our joint efforts with "Your Support" Foundation and comprehensive approach to charity.
Halyna Danylchuk
Tetiana Delichoban
Тетяна Мостепан
Керівництво та весь колектив висловлює сердечну подяку за оперативну допомогу в дооснащенні нашого медичного закладу необхідною технікою, виробами медичного призначення та медикаментами.
Це є дуже важливим – правильно розставляти пріоритети та гуртуватися навколо найбільшої цінності, людського життя. Завдяки вашій небайдужості наші працівники матимуть змогу надати якісну медичну допомогу хворим.
Нехай ваша доброта і щедрість повернуться до вас сторицею!
Директорка КНП "Київська міська клінічна лікарня № 4"
Володимир Бейреш
Адміністрація нашого закладу висловлює щиру подяку благодійному фонду “Твоя опора” за постійну підтримку вихованців Свалявського дитбудинку. Дуже приємно співпрацювати з людьми, які вболівають за здоров'я та добробут маленьких українців. Поки такі благодійні організації діють, то ми зможемо подолати всі труднощі.
Хочеться побажати вам процвітання, успіхів у нелегкій, але вкрай необхідній діяльності, мирного неба, Божого благословення та Перемоги! Сподіваємося на подальшу плідну співпрацю.
В. о. директора КНП “Обласний будинок дитини” Закарпатської обласної ради
Бігарі Наталія Володимирівна
Працювати зараз дуже важко, але ми всією командою тримаємося, аби надавати допомогу тим, кому це дійсно необхідно. Дуже часто згадуємо ваш фонд і радіємо. Адже яким би професійним не був медпрацівник, без ліків та якісного обладнання він не зможе допомагати пацієнтам на найвищому рівні.
Дуже вдячні “Твоїй опорі” за постійну підтримку лікарні. Ви багато для нас зробили, а наші лікарі просто в захваті від нового обладнання, яке суттєво спростило їм роботу й зберегло нерви.
Директорка КНП Київської обласної ради «Київська обласна дитяча лікарня №2»