Help Nikopol

Help Nikopol


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Started: 01.10.2022
Who raises money
Help Nikopol
1 904 127
  • Story

From August until today, Nikopol has been under daily shelling by the Russians. This time, hundreds of residential buildings and private households were destroyed or severely damaged. Russian terrorists are razing the city to the ground.

Families have to leave with their children outside the shelling zone and spend the night in the open air. Residents of the Nikopol district are forced to sit in basements almost 24 hours a day. Many can no longer return to their homes because they have been destroyed entirely.

Together with the TV presenter Kateryna Osadcha, we opened a collection to help the people of Nikopol, who were left without even necessities, and there is a catastrophic lack of humanitarian aid for them.

Thanks to your charitable contributions, we are able to support 100 families in Nikopol and 400 in the Nikopol district. Among them are families raising children with disabilities who desperately need help.

We implement this project in cooperation with the "Children of Nikopol" charitable foundation, which directly provides assistance in the city.

Support the residents of Nikopol, who are under fire every day! Every hryvnia is essential!

Fundraiser within the project “Humanitarian aid to victims of the war in Ukraine”


Завдяки вашим благодійним внескам мешканці Нікополя та Нікопольського району отримують гуманітарну допомогу, якої там катастрофічно не вистачає. А обстріли досі тривають. Підтримайте українців, які потребують допомоги, — для когось це стане вагомою підтримкою, а комусь навіть врятує життя.


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Small donations raise huge sums of money, thanks to which children, hospitals, orphanages and shelters for displaced persons receive much-needed assistance.

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