Key Projects

Family Center for Mental Health “Your Support”

Key Projects

"ART Defense" in collaboration with MONATIK

Key Projects

Hush! Dance Therapy to support the Shelter

Key Projects

Equipment for doctors is a saved life

763 174 090₴


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Last name

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SMS-donation is the fastest and easiest way to help those in need. With just one click, you have contributed to a good cause.

Numbers for SMS-donations:

  • 88 000 — donate to the "Help Ukraine! Stop war!" project. Send a message, and UAH 20 will be debited from your account. All funds raised will be used to help civilians affected by the war. 
  • 88 003 — donate to the Shelter "Your Support" which comprehensively supports IDPs in Lviv with temporary housing, products and things, psychological rehab, and employment. The cost of the message is only UAH 5. Support displaced people who were forced to leave their homes.

Requisites in UAH:

Beneficiary: Your Support, CF
Recipient code: 39226810
IBAN: UA483052990000026001040120931
Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"

Currency accounts (Requisites)


GlobalGiving is an international platform for nonprofit organizations where you can conveniently make contributions from foreign cards.

You can support our Charitable Foundation from abroad and transfer funds through GlobalGiving if you do not have a Ukrainian card. Make a one-time payment or monthly donation for a comfortable amount.




Who are we?

Our mission: We work to provide every person in Ukraine who needs it with proficient help in due time.

  • 77+
    orphanages and shelters under the care of the foundation
  • 135
    hospitals received help
  • 986
    units of medical equipment bought at the hospital
  • 6 152
    refugees received help in our Shelter
  • 8 508
    children were treated thanks to the fund
  • 159 702
    people received humanitarian aid

CAF America international platform certification

Charitable Foundation "Your support" has passed an independent audit and received certification from the international CAF America platform.


Join our projects - help those in need!
all projects

How else can you help?

With money

With money
From small contributions we collect huge amounts, due to which children, hospitals, orphanages and shelters for IDPs receive much-needed help

With practical activity

With practical activity
Our team always welcomes volunteers who are ready to spend their time and efforts for a good deed. By becoming a volunteer of the Foundation, you can help us physically or provide your professional services pro bono. To become a volunteer of "Your Support

Become partner

Become partner
By becoming a partner of our Foundation, you will not only help those who need it, but also improve the reputation of your own brand. In fact, according to research, 88% of consumers prefer socially responsible companies

Donors and Corporate partners


Media about us

Media about us
ЕКО МАРКЕТ, Kalush Orchestra та Твоя опора зібрали 1,8 млн грн на допомогу лікарні

ЕКО МАРКЕТ, Kalush Orchestra та Твоя опора зібрали 1,8 млн грн на допомогу лікарні

Media about us
Львівська лікарня отримала від благодійників обладнання для порятунку дитячих сердець

Львівська лікарня отримала від благодійників обладнання для порятунку дитячих сердець

Media about us
Чиста вода для лікарні в Херсоні: ЕКО МАРКЕТ доєднався до збору Kalush Orchestra та Твоя опора

Чиста вода для лікарні в Херсоні: ЕКО МАРКЕТ доєднався до збору Kalush Orchestra та Твоя опора

Media about us
Не волонтери, а професіонали: як ефективно вести благодійну діяльність в Україні

Не волонтери, а професіонали: як ефективно вести благодійну діяльність в Україні

Media about us
Побачення із зірками: триває аукціон зустрічей, що допоможе зібрати на укриття в дитсадку Миколаєва

Побачення із зірками: триває аукціон зустрічей, що допоможе зібрати на укриття в дитсадку Миколаєва

Media about us
У Львові відбувся захід присвячений інтересам дітей ВПО

У Львові відбувся захід присвячений інтересам дітей ВПО

Media about us
Свято для найменших: проєкти українських брендів, присвячені дітям

Свято для найменших: проєкти українських брендів, присвячені дітям

Media about us
Щотижневий дайджест добрих справ

Щотижневий дайджест добрих справ

Media about us
2 000 подарунків до Нового року: стартувала щорічна благодійна акція

2 000 подарунків до Нового року: стартувала щорічна благодійна акція

Media about us
Магія краси до Дня святого Миколая: Lancôme перерахує 1 млн грн на допомогу дітям із вродженими вадами серця

Магія краси до Дня святого Миколая: Lancôme перерахує 1 млн грн на допомогу дітям із вродженими вадами серця

Media about us
У перинатальному центрі Київщини відкрили реанімацію для новонароджених

У перинатальному центрі Київщини відкрили реанімацію для новонароджених

Media about us
Твоя опора та Trembita PR об’єднали людей заради порятунку дитячих сердець

«Твоя опора» та Trembita PR об’єднали людей заради порятунку дитячих сердець

Media about us
Дім для дітей: SOCAR, Твоя опора та Катерина Осадча про партнерство та благодійність під час війни

Дім для дітей: SOCAR, «Твоя опора» та Катерина Осадча про партнерство та благодійність під час війни

Media about us
ЕКО Маркет разом з благодійними фондами допомогли 470 сім’ям з Херсонщини

ЕКО Маркет разом з благодійними фондами допомогли 470 сім’ям з Херсонщини

Media about us
Презентація фундації Катерини Осадчої

Презентація фундації Катерини Осадчої

Media about us
Всесвітній день серця: щороку в Україні народжується до 4,5 тис. дітей з вадами серця

Всесвітній день серця: щороку в Україні народжується до 4,5 тис. дітей з вадами серця

Media about us
Велике маленьке серце: NOVUS передав 5,7 млн грн на обладнання, що рятує дітей з вродженими вадами серця

Велике маленьке серце: NOVUS передав 5,7 млн грн на обладнання, що рятує дітей з вродженими вадами серця

Media about us
Донатити стало трендом: як змінилася сфера благодійності під час війни

Донатити стало трендом: як змінилася сфера благодійності під час війни

Media about us
NOVUS передав понад 2,5 мільйона гривень на допомогу дітям із вродженими вадами серця

NOVUS передав понад 2,5 мільйона гривень на допомогу дітям із вродженими вадами серця

Media about us
Благодійність – це робота: чому фонди насправді не можуть існувати без зарплат

Благодійність – це робота: чому фонди насправді не можуть існувати без зарплат

Media about us
Home for children: Kateryna Osadcha on her birthday on the air of Breakfast with 1+1 announced a charity collection

Home for children: Kateryna Osadcha on her birthday on the air of "Breakfast with 1+1" announced a charity collection

Media about us
War kills some but benefits others. How to distinguish a volunteer from a fraudster

War kills some but benefits others. How to distinguish a volunteer from a fraudster

Media about us
#GoodStories. It was painful to watch children sleeping on the floor of the station. How Valeriia Tatarchuk from the CF Your Support helps Ukrainians during the war...

#GoodStories. "It was painful to watch children sleeping on the floor of the station". How Valeriia Tatarchuk from the CF "Your Support" helps Ukrainians during the war...

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During the air alert a mother was carrying her 9-year-old daughter with cerebral palsy to the basement. The story of Marichka from Zhytomyr region

During the air alert a mother was carrying her 9-year-old daughter with cerebral palsy to the basement. The story of Marichka from Zhytomyr region

Media about us
The mother went to get her things and found herself in the occupation. The baby spent a month in the hospital

The mother went to get her things and found herself in the occupation. The baby spent a month in the hospital

Media about us
I am with you: famous Ukrainian directors, stars of Cirque du Soleil and Onuka united for the sake of children

"I am with you": famous Ukrainian directors, stars of Cirque du Soleil and Onuka united for the sake of children

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I was afraid to fall asleep and not see my family. A woman from the Mykolaiv region recalls hellish months under occupation and cannot hold back tears

I was afraid to fall asleep and not see my family. A woman from the Mykolaiv region recalls hellish months under occupation and cannot hold back tears

Media about us
I did not want my child to live under the russian world. The story of a man who spent three months in occupation

I did not want my child to live under the "russian world". The story of a man who spent three months in occupation

Media about us
Free Leleka NFT project raises funds to help women and children in Ukraine

Free Leleka NFT project raises funds to help women and children in Ukraine

Media about us
Everything has been destroyed, and the enemy flag is on the ruins. An emotional story of a resident of Mariupol about the hell of life in the city during the war

Everything has been destroyed, and the enemy flag is on the ruins. An emotional story of a resident of Mariupol about the hell of life in the city during the war

Media about us
The culture of charity is changing right in front of our eyes

The culture of charity is changing right in front of our eyes

Media about us
We will kill you, your children and grandchildren: the story of a resident of the Mykolaiv region who managed to escape from the occupied village

"We will kill you, your children and grandchildren": the story of a resident of the Mykolaiv region who managed to escape from the occupied village

Media about us
They shot him in the legs and that's all. A resident of the occupied Kherson region told about the situation in the region

They shot him in the legs and that's all. A resident of the occupied Kherson region told about the situation in the region

Media about us
When my son was five days old, our house was destroyed by a bomb — the story of Victoriia from Chernihiv, who gave birth during severe fighting for the city

When my son was five days old, our house was destroyed by a bomb — the story of Victoriia from Chernihiv, who gave birth during severe fighting for the city

Media about us
The wounded are literally being collected piece by piece. Valeriia Tatarchuk tells about the needs of hospitals, generosity of Ukrainians and her own motivation

The wounded are literally being collected piece by piece. Valeriia Tatarchuk tells about the needs of hospitals, generosity of Ukrainians and her own motivation

Media about us
Valeriia Tatarchuk: Ukraine loses millions of dollars due to the lack of transparency of the charity sector

Valeriia Tatarchuk: "Ukraine loses millions of dollars due to the lack of transparency of the charity sector"

Media about us
Shelter for the Ukrainians who lost their homes

Shelter for the Ukrainians who lost their homes

Media about us
Wyjechał, gdy rakieta uderzyła w jego dom. Wyjechała, by nie mieszkać z niemowlakiem w piwnicy

Wyjechał, gdy rakieta uderzyła w jego dom. Wyjechała, by nie mieszkać z niemowlakiem w piwnicy

Media about us


Media about us
Two boys from the shelter for IDPs were baptized in one of the oldest churches in Lviv

Two boys from the shelter for IDPs were baptized in one of the oldest churches in Lviv

Media about us
Charity Drop from 7 Ukrainian Designers and Birthday Girl Katya Osadcha

Charity Drop from 7 Ukrainian Designers and Birthday Girl Katya Osadcha

Media about us
The road of a lifetime: how a family got out of occupied Kherson

The road of a lifetime: how a family got out of occupied Kherson

Media about us
Interview with the founder of the Foundation that has raised more than UAH 243 million to help children

Interview with the founder of the Foundation that has raised more than UAH 243 million to help children

Media about us
Oleksandr Pedan and Uncle Zhora have united for a good cause: If not for the war...

Oleksandr Pedan and Uncle Zhora have united for a good cause: "If not for the war..."

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Beauty contest in France will raise funds for Ukrainian children affected by war

Beauty contest in France will raise funds for Ukrainian children affected by war

Media about us
They came to kill and stole our joy – a family from Mariupol lost their home twice because of the russians

They came to kill and stole our joy – a family from Mariupol lost their home twice because of the russians

Media about us
A neighbor jumped over the balcony and his pensioner mother burned to death — the story of a resident of Mariupol

A neighbor jumped over the balcony and his pensioner mother burned to death — the story of a resident of Mariupol

Media about us
We were bombed by planes, vacuum bombs exploded, - displaced person Mykola about the first days of hell in Kharkiv

We were bombed by planes, vacuum bombs exploded, - displaced person Mykola about the first days of hell in Kharkiv

Media about us
The russians have an order to wipe Kherson off the face of the earth – Olha and Nadiia tell about occupation and rescue

The russians have an order to wipe Kherson off the face of the earth – Olha and Nadiia tell about occupation and rescue

Media about us
If you limp, we will shoot you in the leg to be sure: the story of a resident of Berdiansk who left the occupied city through russia

If you limp, we will shoot you in the leg to be sure: the story of a resident of Berdiansk who left the occupied city through russia

Media about us
Almost 700 IDPs have been offered a refuge here, new places will soon appear: Lviv shelter plans to expand

Almost 700 IDPs have been offered a refuge here, new places will soon appear: Lviv shelter plans to expand

Media about us
Business and war. Weekly digest of good deeds

Business and war. Weekly digest of good deeds

Media about us
War has no days off and holidays, children need help every day, – the founder of the Charitable Doundation Your Support Valeriia Tatarchuk has told in detail about the work of the Foundation.

"War has no days off and holidays, children need help every day", – the founder of the Charitable Doundation "Your Support" Valeriia Tatarchuk has told in detail about the work of the Foundation.

Media about us


Media about us


Media about us


Media about us


Media about us
Alicia Keys helped children in Ukraine who suffered from war

Alicia Keys helped children in Ukraine who suffered from war

Media about us


When and who founded the Charitable Foundation "Your Support"?

Charitable Foundation "Your Support" was founded in 2014 by Valeriia Tatarchuk. It is an independent non-profit organization that implements projects through charitable donations and support of donors. You can read more about the Foundation and its activities in the "About us" section.

What does the Charitable Foundation "Your Support" do?

Within the project "Help Ukraine! Stop war!" we provide humanitarian aid to hospitals, orphanages and shelters, as well as to children and adults affected by the war. Within the project "Big Little Heart" we help children with congenital heart diseases. Also, our Charitable Foundation together with its partners established the “Vse Bude Dobre (Everything will be fine)” Shelter for temporary displaced people in Lviv. It became a home to the Ukrainians who were forced to flee their homes because of the full-scale invasion of russia.

Where can I find the information about the Foundation partners?

You can read more about the Foundation partners in the"Partners" section.

What is the mission and values of the Charitable Foundation "Your Support"?

The Foundation’s mission is to ensure that every person in Ukraine, being in need of help, will receive it in due time and with high quality. The Foundation’s values are the following: humanism, effectiveness, development, transparency.

Where can I view the Foundation's reports?

You can view the reports of our Foundation in the "Reports" section.

I want to donate money to your Foundation. Do I have to register on the website?

In order to make a charitable donation, you do not need to register on the website. If you wish, you can make an anonymous donation.

I want to transfer funds from a bank card. Will a bank charge the fee for this?

When transferring funds from a bank card, a fee may be charged. Its amount depends on the tariffs of your bank.

In what currency can I transfer money to your Foundation?

In addition to UAH, you can make a charitable contribution in dollars, euros, pounds or zlotys. To do this, select the details of our account in your preferred currency.

I do not have a payment card in UAH. Can I transfer money to your Foundation?

Yes, you can. This can be done in two ways: 1) by transferring money to a foreign currency account (we have accounts in dollars, euros, pounds and zlotys); 2) by transferring money from your bank card — in this case, the transfer amount is converted into hryvnias at the bank's rate.

Can I provide support to the Foundation directly in the Monobank application?

Yes, you can. There are 3 ways to support our Foundation in the Monobank application: 1) Regular payments. To subscribe, click on the "Other payments" section, create a folder and select the "Charity" section. Find the Charitable Foundation "Your support" in the list, enter the desired amount of regular payment and set up a convenient write-off date and frequency. 2) Debiting to the bank account. To connect, go to the "Savings" section, click "Donations for a good course", select the Charitable Foundation "Your Support" in the list and set up convenient options for debiting funds. 3) Cashback transfer. To do this, go to the "Cashback" section, click "Donate for a good course" and select the Charitable Foundation "Your Support" in the list.

Can I transfer money using PayPal?

Unfortunately, this payment system does not work for charitable organizations in Ukraine. Therefore, it is currently impossible to transfer money to us using PayPal.

Do you accept donations in cryptocurrency?

Charitable Foundation "Your Support" does not accept donations in cryptocurrency.

I want the money transferred to go to a specific project. Where should I indicate this?

Please indicate the name of the project you want to support in the purpose of payment.

What part of the funds goes to the administrative expenses of the Foundation?

The Foundation "Your Support" spends an average of 5% of all transfers per year on administrative expenses. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Charity and Charitable Organizations", the amount of administrative expenses of a charitable organization may not exceed 20% of the income of this organization in the current year.

What projects can I support?

The list of all projects of the Foundation can be found in the "Projects" section.

What if I can't choose a project, but want to donate money?

You can make a charitable contribution to the Foundation's account, and we will direct the funds to the most urgent projects.

If I am not able to help with money, how else can I support your projects?

You can become a volunteer of our Foundation. To do this, please fill out the form. Your time and efforts will be very valuable for us.

Can I create my own fundraising project on your website?

You can create a fundraising project on our platform "Dobrunok". If it corresponds to the areas of our interest, fundraising will begin on the platform after moderation.

How can I subscribe to regular payments?

You can subscribe to regular charitable contributions on our website in the "Help" section. To do this, when transferring funds from the card, tick the "transfer monthly" box and select the desired amount.

How to unsubscribe from regular payments?

If you want to unsubscribe from regular payments to our Charitable Foundation, please send a request to info@tvoya-opora.org.ua In the letter, please indicate your name and payment receipt ID.

How can my child get help from your Foundation?

If your child needs help, please contact us: by phone: +380443210900 or by e-mail: info@tvoya-opora.org.ua. We will process your request and contact you promptly.

Can adults apply for help to your Foundation?

Being guided by the Charter of the Charitable Foundation "Your Support", we primarily provide assistance to children.

Can I get targeted humanitarian aid for my child?

We promptly inform about the availability of humanitarian aid on the website, as well as in the social networks of the Charitable Foundation "Your Support". Follow the announcements and contact us if you need humanitarian aid.

Can a public organization or charitable foundation apply for help?

A non-governmental organization or charitable foundation can apply to us for assistance. Contact the manager to discuss all the details: 1) +380673355899 - Yuliia Herasymenko; 2) yuliya.gerasimenko@tvoya-opora.org.ua

Does your Foundation accept used clothes for families in need?

Charitable Foundation "Your Support" does not accept used clothes.

What are the obligations of the Charitable Foundation "Your Support" to donors?

Our Charitable Foundation undertakes to provide donors with financial and descriptive reporting as well as to comply with the terms of cooperation in accordance with the signed agreement.

Who can become our donor/partner?

Companies that want to support the charitable projects of our Foundation and join in helping those in need can become our donors or partners. We are happy to cooperate with companies that meet our values and principles of work.

Who cannot become our donor/partner?

Companies that manufacture and sell tobacco and alcohol products, are engaged in gambling business, as well as companies whose ultimate beneficiaries are citizens of russia and belarus.

Can I deliver humanitarian aid to your Foundation for its further distribution? What documents do I need for this?

We will be very grateful for the humanitarian aid, which we will be able to deliver to those who need it. To deliver humanitarian aid to our Foundation, please send the following documents to the e-mail address yuliya.gerasimenko@tvoya-opora.org.ua: 1) copies of certificates (if the certification is required); 2) acceptance certificates indicating the quantity, prices of products and the total amount of aid; 3) statutory documents of the company that plans to transfer the products.

Our organization wants to make a large contribution. How will we be able to receive reports after these funds have been used?

After the use of funds, we will provide your organization with descriptive and financial reports, certified source documents confirming the implementation of the charitable contribution, as well as a photo report, provided at your request.

I am a business representative. Who can I discuss a potential partnership with?

You can discuss potential partnerships with Yulia Herasymenko, the Head of Projects and Programs of the Foundation. Please contact her by phone +380673355899 or send a request to yuliya.gerasimenko@tvoya-opora.org.ua

Can our company implement its charitable project through your Foundation? If yes, what do we need to do?

Yes, if the project complies with our strategy, values and areas of activity. We will be happy to discuss with you the possible mechanics and other terms of cooperation. To do this, please contact Yulia Gerasymenko, the Head of Projects and Programs of the Foundation by phone +380673355899 or send a request to yuliya.gerasimenko@tvoya-opora.org.ua After the project implementation we will provide you with full financial and descriptive reporting, as well as a photo report upon your request.

I saw the use of your Foundation's name for fraudulent purposes, where can I report it?

If you have seen that on behalf of the Charitable Foundation "Your Support" someone collects money in boxes on the streets, allocates social benefits or carries out other activities that are not listed on our website, please inform us as soon as possible: 1) by phone +380443210900 or +380673355899; 2) in the social networks of the Foundation: Instagram or Facebook.

How to become a volunteer of the Foundation?

To become a volunteer of our Foundation, please fill out the application form. We will be very grateful for your time and efforts for a good deed!

How to become a part of the Foundation's team?

All current vacancies will appear on our website. It will contain detailed information about the requirements for the candidate and the conditions for submitting a CV.

Who is the contact person for media representatives?

Please contact the PR-manager of our Charitable Foundation Olena at kyrychuk@pedanburo.com.
More questions